Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Top 3 posts for you on Google+ this week

Hi Karen!
Here are the top 3 posts for you on Google+ this week.
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The AT&T Galaxy S4 has a locked bootloader

Yep, it's confirmed. The AT&T S4 authenticates the recovery and boot images before executing them.

I can't see what AT&T has to possibly gain from this. GSM and LTE aren't magical, tethering is controllable on the server side, and theft-of-services is not possible from the application processor side (or even from the modem side as far as I know). The same device is available on every carrier, so it's not an exclusivity issue either. The modem processor has...
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Happier today: 10 things you should stop doing right now

1.Wait for a better time. There is never a good time to do anything especially if that's something you have been putting off for a while. There is never a good time to start exercising or learning a new language… You make the time for these things if they are important to you - make them important enough for the good time to be now. 

2.Hate people. It's such a negative emotion and it really doesn't lead anywhere. In most cases, hating someone...
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